Thursday, February 10, 2005

You made me a Windows user :-(

I went long with my experiments with GNU and Linux. I became quiet expert in mailing solutions, webhosting, setting up firewalls, proxies, database servers et all.

In India, to find a job which demands Free Software skills alone, is not easy. Especially when you wish to stay in your home town etc.

Currently I am employed in a company which work on Microsoft Products alone. I work here as Senior System Administrator/Release Engineer.

My main task is to create deployment modules for their product. We use Installshield DevStudio 9. This is a new area of computing in my life. I could pick up soon. Now I am quiet ok with this.

I am learning scripting also now.

I really miss the easyness I had in Free Software world, but I am happy that I am in my home town, I meet my family at the end of the day ...

I am forced to love Microsoft also :-(