Completing one year in Hyderabad
20th Oct – I am completing one year in Hyderabad. Last year on same day I reached Hyderabad airport at 7:25 PM. My first job outside Kerala!
Company had arranged transport to pick me from airport. We reached BA Home (company guest house) in another one hour. 14 days I stayed there. Then I moved to a 1BHK flat near to office. I enjoyed the new place, office and the environment. The team went for an outing on 26th Oct 2007.
Days passed. Our team strength increased gradually. Shariq and Srikanth joined the IES team. We got our official knowledge transfer from Kevin DeForge. The extended team is now set ready to go!
IES team got a new area of service – Load Balancing. We were given training on F5 BigIP devices.
Team is still growing. Chidambara joined IES team.
Changes came in Proxy services also. Netcache and Checkpoint proxies are getting replaced by Bluecoat proxies. We went for BCCPA and BCCPP training.
Hmm... One year just went like that.
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